We pay attention to the packaging of order to ensure that our customers receive the goods intact. So we pack in strong and durable bags, and put on labels on the bag that marked size, color and quantity. According to the quantity of order, we pack the goods into small white boxes or big bags. For your convenience, each small white box or big bag will marked with the model you have ordered. After finishing packing, we put the goods into the sturdy export outer box measuring 30x30x25cm. Additionally, we will send you a packing list so that you can easily check your goods once it has arrived.
(Note: the size of the white box are: 34 x 10 x 13cm. One outer box can hold 6pcs white boxes, and a white box can hold 50 to 100 packs of glass non hotfix rhinestone. For example, one white box can hold 100 packs SS16 rhinestone or 50 packs SS20 rhinestones.)